Monday, November 24, 2008

Michael Wachsmuth's benefit still on

"Firemen never die, they just burn forever in the hearts of the people whose lives they saved." ~Susan Diane Murphree

Although Michael Wachsmuth, a Garrison Firefighter, lost is battle with brain cancer, the benefit that was scheduled prior to his passing is still going forward as a memorial benefit. The Garrison Fire Auxiliary Association and the Garrison Fire Relief Association are working together to raise nearly $10,000 to cover the funeral expenses for the family.

DATE: December 6, 2008
WHERE: Blue Goose Inn, Garrison. Hwy. 169
WHAT AND WHEN: There will be a couple of things going on. Come for all of it, or part of it. You decide what works best for you.

Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament from 1 pm - 5 pm (Pre-registration is suggested as space is limited.) A suggested donation of $25 will be accepted for a buy-in to the tournament.
PIG ROAST with tons of trimmings: from 3 pm - 5 pm. Suggested donation of $10 per plate ages 12 and older. $5 per plate for children 11 years old and younger.
SILENT AUCTION and prize drawings will be held throughout the day.

If you have any items you would like to donate to the silent auction please contact either me or Renee Breun.

Thank you for your support.


Any monetary donations are being accepted by making checks payable to:

The Garrison Fire Relief Association (Put Michael's name in memo line)

Mail checks to:
Garrison Fire Auxiliary Association
Attn: M. Wachsmuth
P.O. Box 254
Garrison, MN 56450

The entire community of Garrison has been involved with the benefit and is contributing in so many ways. Individuals and organizations have stepped up to offer support and help for one who so unselfishly served his community as a firefighter. I can't tell you how touching it is to witness such an outpouring of support.

Thank you all. I hope to see you Saturday, Dec. 6.


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