Friday, March 28, 2008

Taking out the trash

Friday is trash day in my neighborhood. One day a week, every week, that big green truck rumbles down the 7-mile gravel road to collect the things we no longer need. The hydraulic arm whistles and the engine rumbles as a weeks worth of trash, excess debris, abandoned and disregarded items are transferred from the dumpster to the truck and then on down the road to the county landfill. Just like that, the oddments of our lives are gone.

I have been a packrat most of my life. There are things I have that once served a very valuable purpose, but they no longer really do. Yet I hold onto them anyway. There may be a day when I need that one particular thing even though I have not even thought of it for years. I just know, the day I throw it out, the next day I will need it.

I am working on changing that. I don’t need to hold onto those things anymore. Except for those with the highest sentimental value and of course some of those clothes that if you wait long enough, they will be back in style.

I have even been cleaning off my desk on a regular basis. Prompted by Kevin’s urging, but also in my own effort to keep a clutter free work space. Clutter in the physical environment can create clutter in the emotional well being of a person, too. So say the experts, which of course I am not.

Life is too short, my friend Lurechi posted on this blog. And I agree. Life is too short to be worried about the clutter, excess debris and disregarded items of our lives. And with recent developments in my life, one of them was learning about my melanoma, I am constantly reminded to live in the moment, and don’t sweat the small stuff, don't look back and keep looking forward. Even the stuff that stinks today will dissipate and be just a memory tomorrow.

It is Friday. I have taken out the trash. The sun is shining and as JavaQueen says, I plan to go out and enjoy.

Laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
Have a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

hey viv missed you at Julann's bootcamp-you better be there on Tues
have a great weekend

KrazyKatie said...

Absolutely YUMMY POST VIV!
Love it.
We should ALL learn from that, and live..playing, and enjoying each moment!

Missed Julann's bootcamp this week, back went out!
I believe it's pigtails on Tuesday! Yes even for you.

Javaqueen...I heart you...where are these other posts!!! Let me know!

xoxo...see you Tuesday!!

Vivian Clark, Messy News Girl said...

Hey you two! Are we really wearing pigtails in class on Tuesday? How fun is that? What a hoot!, Yeah, sorry I missed class. But it couldn't be helped. I had some things to take care of and another trip to the doc. But everything is ok. Don't worry. I am thinking I better get to the fitness center sometime this weekend, tho and try to keep up with you two!
I love the "put on your big girl panties and deal with it" logo you have, T. Katie, get that back healed up and get ready to dance!
See ya!

Jeanne LaMoore said...

I finally read your last few posts and the comments left behind. If people don't realize that you were genuinely reporting things as you saw and heard them, they don't know you very well. Remember, too, that each of us tends to perceive a situation in terms of how it affects US. It's good sometimes to do some of that de-cluttering, with physical or emotional stuff.

KrazyKatie said...

LOL Yes! JavaBabe and I thought it'd be fun to do pigtails....course she's way too cute in them anyway! Mine'll be just big puff balls on the sides of my head!

Back is a tich better, so I'm going for it anyway!

Did a blog about the game...See you Tuesday!