Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fight or flight

When I was in my 20s I went to a wedding reception held at Ice Cracking Lodge near Perham. Along with me were some of my best friends, my cousins and my sister. Our group had basically grown up together spending summers at the cabin on Round Lake. We were all very good friends.

During the dance, I was approached by a guy with whom I had little interest. He wanted to dance. I did not. I asked him to leave. He was relentless and continued to annoy me and started really talking trash until I had had enough. I threw my beer in his face. It was fight or flight.

His buddies jumped over the table to come to his rescue. My friends and family jumped in the mix as well, including my sister. We chose to fight.

It was a hot summer night. These were wrestlers and hockey players combined with a couple of gymnasts. Use your imagination. It wasn’t very long before chairs started flying. We all knew the owner of the little resort lodge and he politely asked us to knock it off before he called the sheriff. He may have blasted a couple rounds from his rifle into the air as an exclamation point.

We got the message. While tempers were still hot and many of the guys were wiping up bloody noses and ears the bartender poured more beer. No charges were ever filed.

So what started that fight? Was it the guy who was bugging me? Or me who threw the beer? Or the guy who threw the first punch? Does it really matter? What we did, what I did, wasn’t right. But I am not going to say I would never do it again, either. If provoked, I just might. And if my sister or any of my cousins or friends need me to toss a beer for them, I can’t say I wouldn’t do it. Was that dude right to harass me? Absolutely not. But do two wrongs make a right?

Still, it is human nature. Fight or flight. We all reacted to a situation with instincts — gut reactions. Not unlike coming to the aid of a spouse with the intent to protect.

We are all born with this instinct. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: the sympathetic system, referred to as the fight-or-flight response, and the parasympathetic, referred to as the relaxation response. Fight or flight has been engraved into our souls since the beginning of time. It was essential for survival at one point in world history and sometimes, it still is.

The Tramms were not on trial last week. Who started the fight and how, was irrelevant to the charges of assaulting a peace officer. I apologized to Denna when she called me and I printed a correction. Should she and her sister have filed charges for sexual harassment against the dude from the dance floor? Only those girls have the answer to that. But the reality is they didn’t file charges. Like the 1,000s of incidents of sexual harasment and sexual assault that go unreported every day.

As for the comments on why I didn’t mention allegations of police misconduct? Simple again. The officers were not on trial. The fact that complaints against the officers have been reported has been mentioned in previous articles published in the Messenger. Also mentioned in the Messenger was that several agencies turned down the request to investigate those allegations and that the taxpayers of the city of Isle are now paying thousands of dollars to an outside investigation firm to do the investigation. All of this is irrelevant to the trial on the charges of assaulting a peace officer.

There were nearly four days of testimony during that trial from nearly 20 different people. I heard a lovely romance story of two people who met and fell in love, have been married for 30 years, both seem to be good people and care about the town where they live. I heard hours of testimony from the other witnesses as well. There is no way I could write even one blurb from every witness.

As to the question of the involvement of alcohol there was only one person who testified they drank only Diet Pepsi that day. Those who admitted they were drinking said phrases like, "I had a couple," “5 beers, maybe,” “Maybe 7 or 8,” “I don’t count,” “I’m a beer drinker.” The incident happened in the beer garden after selling 29 kegs of beer. So was alcohol involved? Hmmm ... Let me think.

My intent was to summarize a very lengthy trial to the best of my ability. I have re-read my notes several times since then. I stand by my notes. The mayor was found not guilty. There was celebration at the local pub with champagne after the trial. The story should be over. Why is the fight or flight mechanism still activated? Maybe we should engage the other half of our instincts — the parasympathetic system, and relax.


LMC said...

Before I would ever comment I would have to talk to the guy you through the beer at.

Denna said...

Listen up lady, maybe you should listen to your parasympathetic system and relax! It's evident that your the one who just can't seem to let it go. I called you last week about corrections that I wanted you to make about the article that you printed and you still didn't get it right. I believe that I did not specify that he threw the beer at Heather, I said he threw the beer at us. Also I would like to add that if you would have been paying attention to the testimonies, there were more than just one person that testified to not drinking any alcohol that night. It doesn't matter how many times you read through your notes and how strongly you stand by them obviously after the article that you printed about the case and all the errors that you printed we all know how great your notes really are.

Anonymous said...

People just need to let things go-the trial is over
If you don't want to be written about in the paper or be in the news-don't get in bar/beer garden fights and don't be an elected official
Life is way too short

LMC said...

It's okay to be written about. Just why does it always have to be mistruths and negatives. Where is the bright sunny world we hear so much about, the one we can change for the better? I am very proud to be Mayor of Isle because I am very proud of Isle. I, probably more so than most, am proud of Isle. I chose to stay here when my family left. Betty and I chose to raise a family here and have two adult sons living here that I would guess are proud of Isle also, as they bought homes here. I have never complained about Isle other than in jest. If I didn't like it, why stay? I challenge anyone to give me anything I have done as Mayor to make Isle a worse place to live than it was before I was elected. And don't say water rates because I can defend that on many factors. As Mayor you need to look years ahead when making decisions.
Who is lurechi any way? Everyone can figure out mayor mike, betty, denna and dan. Well if you know me even a little, you could. But lurechi? Do you drink beer?

Anonymous said...

My comment wasn't a personal attack on you Mike-Lighten up!1
Yes I drink-not beer!!

dan said...

Ms Clark, About those allegations of police misconduct. You say ''simple again. The officers are not on trial.'' Why not? You said the assistant county attorney said ''all cops lie''. I thought lying to a court of law was perjury, a serious crime. I would think that this and allegations of misconduct would warrant an investigation into this officer. As a taxpayer of Mille Lacs county I would expect no less. As a top investigative reporter with all the resources of the mighty Mille Lacs Messenger, I would think you would be working on a breaking story such as this. It seems this would be a much bigger story than who threw beer at who. I will be eagerly waiting for this story on your pages.

Vivian Clark, Messy News Girl said...

I did not say the assistant county attorney said all cops lie. That was from the defense attorney - Mike's attorney. He made that statement in his closing arguments. He was defending Mike. Richard Curott was at one time a prosecutor for the state, working as assistant county attorney in Mille Lacs County. He stopped being a prosecutor and started being a defense attorney. He took some time off from practicing law for a while, too.

The cops were not on trial at this particular time. When and if a case against them goes to trial, I will be there. Hopefully. But the officers are not from Mille Lacs County.

KrazyKatie said...

Sorry to bust in here like this..

YO VIV! I won't be at class tonight, I hurt my back, all across from hip to hip, not sure how.

How the heck do I email you on this thing anyway?!?!?! Cripes I just want to get a message to you! LOL!


Skjellerup said...
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