Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Thank You Blog

While on the trip to New Orleans, not a day went by that we were not busy. As it turned out there was not enough time to find Wi-Fi, let alone write. Until the last day when we found out that St. Ramonds actually had free Wi-Fi right at the sight. Crystal said to me, "Why didn't you say something?" and I took a step back and thought to myself, yeah, why didn't I just ask? I would have if I were at home. Maybe it was because I felt a bit like a guest at someone's house. I maybe thought I could figure it out on my own, as I so often try to do. But, in the end, all I can say is c'est la vie.

There are many things I didn't get the chance to share while on the road. I will get to many as time allows. But one thing I cannot put off any longer is the list of thank yous.

First, I need to thank God for our safe travel and guidance along the way and helping to keep us focused. For all the new friends we met and for the wonderful people at OHH. They are doing good work there. I am thankful He gives them strength to continue. There is so much more work to be done.

I thank everyone who donated spiritual, financial and in-kind support. As much as our Minnesota Katrina Relief Team was a part of rebuilding the city of New Orleans, you were a part of it, too. We could not have done what we did without your help.

We would simply had a difficult time surviving without the generous amount of water donated by Grand Casino Mille Lacs. Thank you Kevin for making that available. Mike Schneider who collected food and protein water and snacks from Kelloggs. And all the stuff you got from other vendors. Thank you to Shelly and Mike at meat on Mille Lacs for the Jerky tht helped sustain us on our 24 hour journey in a van. It was delicious and appreciated. We ate very well -- almost too well -- everyday. The food was much appreciated.

For financial contributions I thank Ginny and Jim Hill, Anne and Richard Manly, Chris and Sandy Hill, Darlene and Joe McNally, Little Jim, Eric North, Mark Tadych, Haddie Hadachek, Chris Klause and everyone else who put cash in my hand at Light of the Cross Church. If I have left any names out, I assure you it is unintentional and your gift was appreciated no less. Your generosity was heartwarming and at times overwhelming. Thank you.

I thank Mary Erickson and Pastor Chris Hill for helping to spread the word about the trip and making it possible at the last minute. I thank everyone at Light of the Cross Church for your support and prayers. You are indeed a great source of strength and love. I appreciate all of you in my church family.

Thanks to Kevin Anderson for allowing me the time away from the office to be a part of this truly remarkable experience.

Susan and Win Carlson, Mike Nelson, Michael Fox, Rocky Bona, Tammy, Katie, Julanne, thank you for your constant energy, friendship and encouragement.

To my new friend Robert McKinney who opened his giant New Orleans heart and welcomed a bunch of odd Yankees from Minnesota into his home and fed us southern hospitality and a fabulous meal of real New Orleans crawfish -- and all the rest of that food prepared by your chef friend Chad Bourg. To all the rest of your wonderful friends, CJ Florent, Steve Campbell, Arle Thomas Jr., Marc Carter and Steve Abadie, Thank you for showing us the "real" side of Nawlins and sharing your amazing stories. You are good people.

Last but not least I thank my mom and dad. You have always been there to support me in every adventure I have ever found and the adventures that found me -- the good the bad and the in-between. This one just happened to be one of the good. Thanks for your unconditional love. The same to all the rest of my family, who have never let me down. I love you all.

I am certain I have forgotten a name or two. But to everyone who thought about us on this mission, or wondered what life is like down in New Orleans, three years after the storm, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God bless you all.

Que sera sera


Anne said...

So glad you were able to make the journey. I thank you for doing this not-so-easy blog for you have put into words my feelings and experiences, yet am unable to express. I too am so grateful for the support and well-wishes that our group has received during our past three trips. We are able to do great things by the grace of God and the support of others.

Jenny O said...

I too would like to give my thanks. Vivian, thank you for your hard work and fun personality. I enjoyed working with you and look forward to working with you again next year.

I too would like to thank Grand Casino for the water, I enjoyed every drop and finally felt like I was getting something back for all the donations I have made to the casino. ha ha. :-)

A special thank you to the people who donated all the free food! Not only did you keep our group very happy, but you also made a couple homeless families living next door to the house we were staying at, very very happy when we brought over the extras at the end of the week. It seemed like such a small gesture, but the look in their eyes told a story much greater than I could ever write. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!

To next year Viv! We'll keep saving the world, one person at a time!

Vivian Clark, Messy News Girl said...

Hey you guys! I miss you all ready! Thank YOU for all your work and dedication to the rebuilding of New Orleans. You have hearts bigger than Texas and are great to work with. Thank you for allowing me to join you in your journey. The entire experience has had an affect on me I am unable to express right now. But it is all good. I am so looking forward to next year! Seriously, I think we should all get tatoos of the fleur-de-lis!
xxoo! Love ya!