Saturday, April 26, 2008

I love my Jeep

It is hard to believe it is April 26. I woke up this morning and looked out the window to find about 3 inches of snow. That's not so bad, I thought. It wont last long. The plows will be out shortly and the rest of it will melt soon. It was a nice thought.

I had an appointment to get my tires rotated, fix a slow leaking tire and check the breaks. All something I had been putting off for quite some time. But the leaky tire was starting to leak faster, so I had to keep the appontment. When it came time for me to leave home to go into town (25 miles) I looked out the front window and could not even see across the lake. I couldn't even see the island in the middle. The snow just kept on snowing. And blowing.

But I had to go, so go I did.

The highway wasn't so bad going into town. It did not appear the plows had been out, but traffic kept a path pretty clear.

Once in town, the roads were fine. Wet and sloppy, but better than the highway.
Got my Jeep taken care of. The breaks are fine. The tire is fixed and they were all rotated. Good for another 6,000 miles or so.

The DJ on the radio said it was clearing up. Pearing through my windshield it appeared to be worse. Of course, the radio station is on the other end of town, so I will cut her some slack.

Driving back home east on hwy. 18 the road had not been plowed. And it was white out conditions. I am not kidding. I could not see 50 feet in front of me for a long time. The scary part was when all of the sudden a plow heading straight for me appeared out of nowhere!

So, I took the first chance I could and hit the back roads.

Now, here, it was clear that while the highway was not great, apparently plows had made a pass or two. Compared to the back country roads, which indeed had not been plowed. The snow was piling up close to at least 6 inches with drifts on the sides about 2-feet.

That's the best thing about a Jeep. My Jeep loves the snow! I felt like I could have been in a Jeep commercial even.

As I drove through the drifting snow it was spraying up the sides, blowing back in the wind. I would hit a pothole coverd in snow and muddy globs of snow covered the windshield, hood and side windows.

With a swipe of the wiper blades and a little blue juice, me and my Jeep just kept on going. Up and down the rolling hills and winding dead-end road we just drove. Still close to white out conditions when I passed a field, but in the woods it was near Jeep Nirvana.

It was almost sad to make it to the end of the road and into my driveway. My little adventure was over. Its a Jeep thing. You wouldn't understand.

I kicked the built up snow off from all the wheel wells and chipped away the ice build up on the wiper blade. I put my friend -- my Jeep in the garage and bid farewell for the day.

Oh, but in about an hour, I will have to leave again. I have a couple of weekend assignments for the paper. One is a the annual Smelt Fry at the VFW and the other is the Onamia Senior Prom grand march. I feel bad for the girls who must be dissappointed they might have to wear their Uggs instead of strappy little sandals to the dance tonight.

Naw, what am I thinking. This is Minnesota. The girls will wear their strappy little sandals tonight. Cripes, they wear them all year long anyway.

It is April 26 and this snow too will melt. But for now, I am going to grab some fresh coffee and just enjoy it for a while. And then head out into the wide white yonder. Only in a Jeep.


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