Michael's tumors have grown. So much so, the doctors will not start treatment. One of the stipulations for treatment was for Michael to be able to breath on his own — without the use of the ventilator. I am afraid that is not possible at this time either.
I received an email from Jeremy, Michael's cousin yesterday afternoon just as I was getting ready to leave the office. I sat down, put my head in my hands and prayed. While I did, the tears began to flow. And I prayed some more.
Here is the email from Jeremy Wachsmuth:
this is the hardest and most emotional update yet. i have deleted this five times cause i just don't know how to say this. so i will just be straight to the point. Michael had a mri today and the tumors are twice the size they were a week ago. this means there will be no treatment. he will be moved out of the hospital to somewhere for him to be comfortable until dies. i do not know where this will be yet. . . . i now just ask everybody to pray for him to go through this with the least amount of pain as possible. thank you all for your support you have given.
As you go about your daily chores, please take a moment to think about and pray for Michael.
As of right now, I don't have a time line. I don't know if they will be able to move him. I know the family is looking at options. They are taking with doctors and clergy and will update me when they can.
Fishgirl44 asked a question in comment to the last entry. She wanted to know if Michael would be coming home. To his mom or his dad's, she asked.
In my opinion, the answer to that question is difficult and depends on your beliefs.
I don't believe Michael will make it back home to either is mom's or dad's house. And that is very sad realization. But it might be time to go to his Father's house.
Miracles can happen. And, "with God, everything is possible." (Matthew 19:26)
I don't want to sound all gloom and doom. So I just pray. I know that there is a plan and I sometimes question the reasoning for the plan. Some things, just don't make sense. To me. And to others. This brain cancer of Michael's is one thing that doesn't make sense.
Someone else posted a comment that said, "he doesn't deserve this." I don't think that is part of the plan. I don't think that God points to certain people and says, "I will give you inoperable brain cancer. And you will have breast cancer but live 30 more years. You there in the sun, I will give you melanoma and the other one next to you will just get wrinkles."
I don't think That God gives people, or allows them, to get illnesses — or to not get illnesses because that person is good or bad — deserving or not deserving. I think those judgements are left for the day at the Pearly Gates.
I just got a call from a young girl named Sam. Sam knows Michael and offered to help with the benefit planned for Dec. 6. One thing that Sam said at the end of our conversation is probably what a lot of people are feeling. Sam said, "I am really scared."
I think that situations like this do scare people. People of all ages. But Sam, put it in words.
Perhaps that is why the one comment talked about deserving. We don't understand why things happen. It is confusing. And that scares us.
What Michael needs more than anything is compassion. Love. Positive energy. Prayers. Michael needs to know he is not alone. We all need to tell him that in any way we can.
“Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.” - Unknown author
God bless Michael, his family and his friends.
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