Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fighting a big fight

“Impossible situations can become possible miracles.” — Robert H. Schuller

I know I used that same quote not too long ago, but it is true. Sometimes the impossible can become the possible.

Michael is fighting. More important than his willingness, or need, to fight is
the fact that he believes he can win. Nothing is more important in life
than believing in yourself. With Michael wanting to fight -- and doing
a pretty good job -- and with prayers from those who also believe, who
knows what can happen.

Miracles happen everyday. Most of the time they are so small we hardly accept them as miracles. Things like sunshine, friends, love, the moon. It's the big miracles that make people stop and say, "Hey! That is a miracle." Like the birth of a baby,surviving a terrible accident, broken bones healing.

Or healing someone who is sick.

Like Michael.

All we can do is pray. The rest is up to God.


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