Mike Wachsmuth is a Garrison firefighter fighting for his life right now. He is currently in the ICU at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.
I first heard of Mike Wachsmuth's condition from his dad, Mike Wachsmuth. Now I am not entirely sure if one is a Jr. and the other Sr., but for simplicity sake, they will be here.
Mike Sr. told me of the medical mystery surrounding his 23-year-old son, Mike. My heart just about broke in pieces listening to him speak of his son.
Covering the news about the fire department and on the scene at fires of course, is how I first met Mike Jr. He is a favorite launch captain of many folks in Garrison as well having worked at Garrison Sports piloting both some Garrison Sports launches and at the Blue Goose.
Please go to the Messenger website and read the story on Mike. Here is the link. If it doesn't work, copy and paste it to your browser. You know the drill.
I know Mike, Jr. He is a very nice young man who has been on the Garrison Fire department for 5 years. He signed up on his 18th birthday, so I am told. This picture was taken at an early morning fire this summer. There were actually two house fires that morning. The first call came in somewhere round 3 a.m. Mike responded with the rest of his crew. The second call came in around 5 a.m. I think, if I remember correctly, they were on their way back to the barn (fire hall) when that call came in. They turned around and went back. The second call was only a couple blocks from the first. (Arson is suspected in both houses.)

But the crew put both fires out. The first house was totally engulfed when they arrived and unfortunately, it burned to the ground. They were able to save a couple of walls on the second house. That's when I got there. It was still dark, but getting brighter. The boys were tired. Very tired and very hot. Mike was there and giving it his all.
I found out last night that Mike did not have the biopsy. The doctors warned him of the risk of permanent paralysis if anything went wrong. They are holding off on the biopsy. Mike Sr. told me the docs did some more tests yesterday. They took fluid from his eye for one test. Sounds painful. They need to wait for results. Mike Jr. is also scheduled to be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist. He can't swallow anymore at all, apparently. After the ENT's take a look they are possibly going to insert a feeding tube, either parctial or full. And he mentioned something about a lung test, too, but I don't know what that is.
I have mainly been talking with Mike Sr. and his nephew, Mike's cousin, Jeremy Wachsnuth. Jeremy and Mike Jr. are close. Coming from a small town (Garrison has a population of 213 for those who don't know) most people know each other. I know both Jeremy and Mike Sr. pretty well. Mike Sr. has been my boat driver on several occasions when I have needed to get out on the water for a story, or for fun. Mike Sr. would do just about anything to help someone. Anyone. Even though he likes to pretend he is crabby sometimes, you just have to look into those blue eyes to see the truth.
I met Jeremy through Mike Sr. and have had many occasions to talk with him and hang out for a bit. Jeremy is a stubborn young guy — it may run in the family. What also appears to run in the family is the urge to help people. I know that if I ever needed anything, Jeremy would be there.
That appears to be the same with Mike Jr. Why else would he be so involved with the fire department?

The picture with the girls is Jeremy and Mike at the eelpout festival in Walker. Leave it to those boys to find girls in bikinis while ice fishing!
Here is what Jeremy wrote in an email to me this morning after his visit with Mike Jr. yesterday: "It was really a hard day to be with him today. I think the hardest yet. He is so tired of being sick he asked the doctor for the biopsy knowing that he may not ever walk again after that."
Jeremy took this picture of Mike in the hospital while he was a Mercy before he moved to Mayo. He know has IV's running in his arms so they can feed him and deliver medication.

Mike's illness is still a mystery. Quite frankly, it sounds like an episode of the FOX series "House." I wish it was because on that show, almost always, House comes in at the end and figures out the whole mystery and saves the patient's life.
Right now I am asking for your prayers, for Mike, for his family.
I will post updates when I hear more. Both on my blog and on twitter.
I just want to say that Mike Wachsmuth is such a great guy. I am a poker dealer at the near by casino and that is where I met him. I have a son his age. I am shocked to hear of the seriousness of his condition. I was aware of his digestive ailment and his limited diet because we would discuss it when he came to play poker. I will pray for Mike. He's in one of the best hospitals in the world, I pray the doctors will find out what's wrong. From Kristy B., a concerned friend. Thank you
I too am a dealer at the casino, where I first met Mikey. It broke my heart when I read how serious his illness had become. I pray the Doctors down there learn something soon. I know Mikey is a tough young man, and a super great person just to be around. We miss that cute smile. We will be praying for your recovery Mikey. Colleen
Mike & Mike Jr.,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You guys are like family to us. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Keep up the fight.
Randee, Troy, Cortney & Ben
Thanks for your prayers and support you guys. I am sure the family appreciates your thoughts.
To Kappypoo and Colleen, part of the benefit being planned for Mike will include a Texas Hold 'Em tournament. (Mike likes cards!) Please pass the word at the casino. So far, it is scheduled for Dec. 6 at the Blue Goose. Because the entire community is pitching in, 100% of all the money raised will go to Mike plus 25% of the bar total for the day. How cool is that? Thank you, Mark Tadych! That is all we know so far. Please stay posted.
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