Monday, April 14, 2008

Back home

Well, we all made it home safe and sound. Actually, three of our group are staying an extra week. That is what happens sometimes -- the act of helping gets in your blood. There is so much work to do a person feels compelled to stay to continue the good work that is being done at Operation Helping Hands.

Leaving NOLA was a mixed bag of emotions. Tears filled my eyes as I said good by to the long term volunteers and all the people of OHH at St. Ramonds and again when I said good-bye to my new friends in the group.

Thanks to all of you for sending your prayers and energy. It was a truly remarkable experience. There is sure to be an article in an upcoming issue of the Messenger that you wont want to miss.

For now, I have to get back to the daily tasks of everyday life and help get the paper out today.

Laissez le bon roulement de périodes!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so happy you are finally home!!!!
can't wait to see you at the sweat shop!!!