Christmas is a magical time of year filled with joy and peace and goodwill. Santa Claus and baby Jesus and twinkling stars give people of hope.
But some people are taking the whole politically correct thing a little too far, and a little too seriously.
The Garrison City Council can decorate the streets with lights, but they can’t call them Christmas decorations. They have to call them “seasonal” decorations.
The Surgeon General thinks Santa should go on a diet and exercise program and watch his cholesterol and check for diabetes.
Instructors at an Australian Santa school instructed all of the Santas-in-training they could no longer say “Ho! Ho! Ho!”
I don’t know about you, but I like to call them as I see them.
Those are Christmas decorations in Garrison. There is a nativity scene and a Santa.
Santa should be fat — “a right jolly old elf whose belly shook like a bowl full of jelly.”
Ever tired to jiggle a skinny elf with 6-pack abs? That is just wrong.
The reason the new would-be Santas were told not to say ho ho ho was that it might scare children and could be considered derogatory to women. Instead, they were instructed to say, “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
OK, come on, people. Santa has been saying ho ho ho for centuries. If certain business entrepreneurs are offended by the use of the word “ho” perhaps they are taking their job a little too seriously. Or they should just get a new job.
As for scaring children, I think that is a pile of crap. Little kids are scared of a lot of life-size characters that do not look like real people. Take a look at Smokey the Bear, The Eater Bunny, Ronald McDonald, the Jolly Green Giant (I think he says ho, ho, ho, too!) Goldy Gopher (Who is up for an award for best college mascot, btw) — those characters and more seem like they could be a little more intimidating to toddlers than Santa. At least Santa brings presents and eats cookies and milk.
Santa cares about kids behavior. He wants them all to be nice to each other — not naughty. sure, he uses bribery to get kids to be nice, but what parent hasn’t used that technique at least once? (“I will let you have a cookie if you eat all of your beans.” Sound familiar?)
It appears some people are so afraid of offending someone, or some group they say the wrong thing anyway.
Sure there are certain words and phrases that are clearly derogatory and have been dissed from our American language with good reason.
Santa is probably about 2,000 years old. He probably weighs about 260 pounds. I would argue that if he is delivering toys to children all over the world, spreading peace and joy along the way in a 12 to 24 hour period, he has got to be in good shape!
So what if he needs a little energy boost along the way with a few cookies for instant energy and some wholesome milk to wash it down.
At least he is not on steroids and energy drinks spiked with vodka to keep him laughing.
Christmas is a magical time. Please enjoy the season.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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Right on, Vivian! It's all about the sorry for those that have forgotten what magic is..even worse how to make it! Oh, yeah..magic isn't even appropriate anymore...ahh, what to do...I think I'll enjoy the sun shining through the crystal forest.
Carolyn Avaire
I have to add that for those in poverty magic is hard to conjure, even acknowledge, it takes energy after all...and this thing that we do every year tends to focus on so many things that in the end dimish energy instead of raise it.
While we'll bask in the magic others are only reminded of how immense their struggle is.
As a single mom I speak from the memory of not being able to experience that magic on many occassions. Yet it is an experience I am thankful for as I have been able to shift the meaning in our home from what might be under the tree to the magic that is swirling about in the crystal forest and in the eyes of our friends, and this just becomes more intense as the years go by.
So, I think my last post was kind of insensitive...I should know better...but, I am at a point where life is good and I am just feeling the magic!
Dear Carolyn,
Thank you for your posts. I am glad that you are able to see and feel the magic of Christmas and more importantly, pass on to your children what is most important.
Merry Christmas! May the magic of the season remain in your heart all year long.
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