Saturday, September 15, 2007

My first blog

So here I am writing a blog. It is an absolutely beautiful day out there and I am writing a blog. Call me crazy! Or just afraid of being fired!

Seems everyone is writing blogs these days. Katie Couric writes a page in her notebook and reads it on the radio every weekday morning. Brett Larson has a blog. And of course there is Hannabelle.

So here I go.

Blogs began as sort of on-line diaries where daily (or less often) entries were posted for all the world to see. Some blogs have specific topics such as food, entertainment, journal entries, politcs, news and more.

Sometimes blogs contain personal attacks. Now I am all for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Why wouldn't I be? I am a writer - a real journalist working for a real newspaper. But I do not believe personal attacks belong on my blog, or really, any blog for that matter.

Some folks feel there is a need for a Blogger's Code of Conduct to enforce civility by being civil themselves and moderating comments on their blog. Some guy named Tim O'Reilly apparently said, "I do think we need some code of conduct around what is acceptable behaviour, I would hope that it doesn't come through any kind of regulation. It should come through self-regulation."

So the guy and some other people came up with a list of ideas. I kind of like them and will share them with you.

1. Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog.
2. Label your tolerance level for abusive comments.
3. Consider eliminating anonymous comments.
4. Ignore the trolls.
5. Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so.
6. If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so.
7. Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person.

I guess number 7 is my favorite. In all it boils down to the Golden Rule: Treat other people the way you want to be treated.

Messin' with the news is going to be fun to write and hopefully, fun for you to read. Like it says in my intro over there, you just never know what you will find. It is not AP Style or really any other style for that matter. It is unedited and uncensored -- at least for now, until Kevin stops me from something. But I promise, I will never use it for personal attacks.

So please come back often. It will be great to see you!

Vivian Clark
The Messy News Girl


Captain Cook said...

This is great Vivian - I wanted to be the first to leave a comment.I agree with rule # 7, and intend to abide by it as well ( unless I have like a really bad meal somewhere and they don't make it right). Don't tell anyone about the boy scout camp.

Vivian Clark, Messy News Girl said...

Hey, Captian! Thanks for the comment. You were the first to do so. Hopefully, you wont need to post about any bad meals. And, don't worry, I wont tell the boy scout camp story! At least not for a while.... Thanks again! See ya!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the Great Black Blog Hole, Viv. I got a slight head start on you (see but I'm new at this stuff too. Have fun with it! But since you won't be attacking people, how much fun can you really expect to have, eh?

Vivian Clark, Messy News Girl said...

Hey Joel! Nice to here from Wisconsin! I can see blogging will be fun. I will check out your blog, too! Thanks for reading! CYA

Hannabelle said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging! I am so tickled to be mentioned in your first Blog. I hope you'll visit the Bradbury Buzzz. I'll write something special for you.
Your friend,

linden said...

lets get a blog going on the Onamia refferendum. The school has never done an adequate job of showing why the money is needed or where the monies are going to. The school has been mismanaged and is top heavy. There needs to be cuts starting at the top. (Superintendent, Principals, and secretaries) trim the fat there. Start providing classes and teachers. This is what will bring the students back.
Onamia School is in poor shape! Physically the High School is falling apart, administration wages are way overboard for the size and services that they provide.
These are the people that are asking for our money. They are not going to cut their departments. They are going to take us for everything that they can and ride this poor community to the ground. Show the community that it will start at the top, freeze and cut positions from the top. Show how we will add classes to educate our kids. Quit cutting classes and find creative ways to reduce the high wages (upper management and support).
Isle school and Onamia will soon be a thing of the past if they don’t start combining management and classes. If they don’t act soon all of our kids will be open enrolling in other schools that have already combined. Look around we can’t even compete in our conferences because of all the small schools that have already done what we should have done 15 years ago.
